유안타증권 (Yuanta Securities Korea Co., Ltd)
1962년 6월 4일
1988년 1월 21일
15,948억 (2024년 6월 기준)
1,713명 (2024년 6월 기준)
국내 주요도시에 53개 지점 (2024년 6월 기준)
서울시 영등포구 국제금융로 39 (여의도동 앵커원빌딩)
TEL : 02-3770-2000



※ 한국기업평가 무보증채권 신용등급 AA- / 단기기업 어음등급 A1
※ 한국신용평가 무보증채권 신용등급 AA- / 단기기업 어음등급 A1
※ 나이스신용평가 무보증채권 신용등급 AA- / 단기기업 어음등급 A1


  • 위탁매매업무
  • 사채발행 및 모집의 위탁업무
  • 유가증권의 인수 · 매출 업무
  • 퇴직연금 업무
  • 유가증권의 자기매매 업무
  • 투자자문 업무, 투자일임 업무
  • 자기매매 업무
  • 신탁업무
  • 수익증권저축 업무
  • 증권저축 업무

정관 상장법인지배구조공표체제

이사회규정 지배구조내부규범

Yuanta Financial Holdings

Yuanta Financial Holdings

  • Yuanta Securities(100%)
    • Yuanta Securities Asia Financial Services Private Ltd. (100%)
      • Yuanta Securities Korea(58.56%)
      • Yuanta Investment Consulting(Beijing)(100%)
      • Yuanta Securities Hong Kong(100%)
      • Yuanta Asia Investment(100%)
      • Yuanta Hong Kong Holdings (Cayman) (100%)
  • Yuanta Bank(100%)
  • Yuanta Securities Finance(100%)
  • Yuanta Futures(66.27%)
  • Yuanta Life(100%)
2024년 6월 기준

대만 1위 증권사, 유안타증권

대만 1위에 머무르지 않고 아시아 주요시장으로 사업범위 확대
동북아금융중심지인 한국, 중국, 홍콩, 대만의 자금과 상품을 결합하고, 향후 싱가포르와 동남아 시장까지 진출하여 아시아를 선도하는 증권사로 성장 목표

Yuanta Financial Holdings의 100% 자회사로서 대만 1위 증권사

  • Yuanta Financial Holdings는 유안타증권을 중심으로 대만, 홍콩, 중국 등에서 증권, 은행, 벤처캐피탈, 선물 등 금융업을 영위하는 대만 초우량


Yuanta Core Pacific Securities Co., Ltd. 설립
투자매매업 인가
IB업무 개시
Fuhwa Financial Holding Company 설립
Fuhwa Financial Holding Company와 Yuanta Core Pacific Securities 합병 후 유안타금융그룹으로 상호 변경
자산관리 업무 인가
Taiwan Best Securities Firm 1990~2008 Award 수상
Polaris Securities Co., Ltd. 합병
태국 KK Trade 인수(Yuanta securites Thailand)

주요 수상(YUANTA Securities)


Wealth Magazine
Wealth Management Award:Best Wealth Management, Best Services, Best Sales Team,
Best Wealth Appreciation, Best Customer Referral, Best Digital Finance,
Best Digital Intelligence System, Best Digital Wealth Management Experience
The Asset
Best Brokerage
Best Sustainability-Linked Bond
Health Promotion Administration of Taiwan’s Ministry of Health and Welfare
Accredited Healthy Workplace - Health Promotion Badge
Best Broker, Taiwan
Best DCM House, Taiwan


Wealth Magazine
Wealth Management Award:Best Wealth Management, Best Services, Best Sales Team, Best Wealth Appreciation, Best Customer Referral, Best Digital Finance, Best Digital Intelligence System
Taiwan Financial Awards:Consumer Finance Brand Award - Best Brokerage Customer Recommendation Premium Award
Best Securities House in Taiwan
Best Brokerage Transformation (Taiwan)
Best Brokerages for ESG research (Taiwan)
Best domestic brokerages (Taiwan)
Best brokerages for research (Taiwan)
Best brokerages for sales (Taiwan)
Best brokerages for corporate access (Taiwan)
Best brokerages for execution (Taiwan)
The British Standards Institution
ISO 45001: 2018 Occupational Safety and Health Management System Certification
ISO/PAS 45005: 2020 Occupational Health and Safety Management — General Guidelines for Safe Working during the COVID-19 Pandemic Certification
ISO 14067: Online Investment and Financial Services Carbon Footprint Certification
The Asset
Best ETF Market Maker , Taiwan
Best ETF Participating Dealer, Taiwan
Top sellside firms in the secondary market - Corporate bonds - TWD
Top arrangers - Investors' Choice for primary issues - Corporate bonds - TWD
Best Broker, Taiwan
Best Investment Bank, Taiwan
Best Bond House, Taiwan
Nat'l Enterprise Competitiveness Dev. Assoc.
The National Brand Yushan Award-
Outstanding Enterprise
Best Product: “Small Capital Investment” Ecosystem
Best Product: Smart Customer Service “Mr. Yuan”
“National First Prize” - Best Product: “Small Capital Investment” Ecosystem
Environmental Protection Administration Executive Yuan, R.O.C. (Taiwan)
“Yuanta Securities Online Investment and Financial Management Services” Product Carbon Footprint Label (Certificate No. 2316611001)
Business Today
Wealth Management Evaluation:
Best Wealth Management in Securities Sector-Excellent
Best Product-No. 1
Best Risk Management-No. 1
Best Wealth Management Image-No. 2
Best Investment Advisory Team-No. 2
Best Digital Experience-No. 2
Best Customer Trust-No. 2
Best AI Application-No. 3
Taiwan Stock Exchange
Promotion of Innovation Award - Securities Underwriter: Capital Markets Contribution Award
Partnership Award - Third Place for Securities Underwriters
ETF Awards:
No. 1 for Taiwan ETF Total Contribution Award
No. 2 for Taiwan ETF Market Maker Award
No. 3 for Taiwan ETF Trading Contribution Award - Brokerage Department
Taiwan Futures Exchange
Diamond Award for Futures Proprietary Trading Volume-No. 1
Diamond Award for Market-Making Performance
Taipei Exchange
Securities Firms Reward Program:
Top three brokers which increase the most total investors trading on ETF and the number of new additions is at least 500 - First Prize
Top three brokers which increase the most investors using dollar-cost averaging method trading on ETF and the number of new additions is at least 300 ? Second Prize
Warrant Awards:No. 1 for Maximum Value Creation
Warrant Issuer Awards:
No. 1 for Value Excellence
No. 5 for Warrant Efficiency
Securities and Futures Institute
Golden Goblet Award - Outstanding Risk Management
Golden Goblet Award - Outstanding Talent Cultivation
Golden Goblet Award - Outstanding Green Finance - Securities Industry Category
Commercial Times
Digital Financial Service Awards: Digital Information Security Award-Premium Award
Taiwan Warrant King Competition (TWKC):
Best Performance Award
Warrant King Practical Warfare Award: Luzhou Branch No. 1; Muzha Branch No. 2
Performance Excellence Award: Muzha Branch No. 1; Keelung Branch No. 2; Luzhou Branch No. 3
Sports Administration, Ministry of Education
Taiwan i sports (Sports Enterprise Certification)
Financial Supervisory Commission R.O.C. (Taiwan)
F-ISAC Membership Intelligence Sharing Outstanding Performance Organization


The British Standards Institution (BSI)
Mr. Investor APP ISO14067 Carbon Footprint Certification
Mr. Investor APP PAS2060 Carbon Neutral Certification
Wealth Magazine
Wealth Management Award:Best Wealth Management, Best Services, Best Sales Team, Best Customer Referral, Best Digital Finance, Best Digital Intelligence System
Taiwan Financial Awards: FinTech Innovative Application Award-Best FinTech Securities Premium Award
Taiwan Financial Awards: Best Brokerage Customer Recommendation Premium Award
The Asset
Best ETF Participating Dealer, Taiwan
Best ETF Market Maker , Taiwan
Best ETF Broker, Taiwan
Nat'l Enterprise Competitiveness Dev. Assoc.
National Brand Yushan Award-Best Product: Inescapable Net
National Brand Yushan Award-Best Product: Grain Market Newbie Village
Commercial Times
The Best Service in Taiwan: Securities Industry Gold Award
Service Excellence Award
Digital Financial Service Awards: Digital Innovation Award-Gold Award
Diversified Trust Innovation Award: Best Wealth Management Trust Innovation Award for Securities Firms-Gold Award
Best domestic brokerages
Best brokerages for research
Best brokerages for sales
Best brokerages for corporate access
Best brokerages for execution
Taiwan Futures Exchange
Diamond Award for Introducing Broker Trading Volume
Diamond Award for Futures Proprietary Trading Volume
Diamond Award for Market-Making Performance
Business Today
Wealth Management Evaluation: Best Wealth Management in Securities Sector, Best Wealth Management Image, Best Risk Management, Best Customer Satisfaction, Best Customer Trust, Best Product, Best Silver Friendliness
Digital Securities-Strategy Excellence Award
Taiwan Institute for Sustainable Energy
Talent Development Leadership Award


Enterprise Asia
Asia Responsible Enterprise Awards-Investment in People
Nat'l Enterprise Competitiveness Dev. Assoc.
The National Brand Yushan Award-Outstanding Enterprise
The National Brand Yushan Award-Most Popular Brand: Mr. Investor APP
The National Brand Yushan Award-Best Product: Strategy Trading Platform
The National Brand Yushan Award-Best Product: Yuanta Taiwan Stock Pilot ETN
The National Brand Yushan Award “National First Prize”-Outstanding Enterprise
Wealth Magazine
Wealth Management Award: Best Wealth Management, Best Services, Best Sales Team, Best Wealth Appreciation, Best Digital Intelligence System, Best Digital Finance, Best Creative Audio-Visual Marketing
Taiwan Financial Awards: FinTech Innovative Application Award-Best FinTech Securities Gold Award
Taiwan Financial Awards: Best Brokerage Services Gold Award
Taiwan Financial Awards: Best Brokerage Customer Recommendation Premium Award
Best Broker
The Asset
Best ETF Participating Dealer, Taiwan
Best ETF Market Maker, Taiwan
Best ETF Broker, Taiwan
Commercial Times
Digital Financial Service Awards: Digital Innovation Award-Gold Award
Digital Financial Service Awards: Digital Inclusion Award-Premium Award
Taiwan Futures Exchange
Diamond Award for Introducing Broker Trading Volume
Diamond Award for Futures Proprietary Trading Volume
Diamond Award for Market-making Performance
Business Today
Wealth Management Evaluation: Best Wealth Management in Securities, Best Wealth Management Image, Most Trusted Securities, Best Product, Best Customer Satisfaction, Best AI Application, Best Risk Management
Securities and Futures Institute
Golden Goblet Award-Outstanding Financial Innovation
Golden Goblet Award-Outstanding Talent Cultivation
Golden Goblet Award-Outstanding Green Finance-Securities Industry Categorye
Golden Goblet Award-Outstanding Securities Talent-Executive Vice President Mei Ling Kuo


Taiwan CG Association
CG6012 (2019) Corporate Governance Framework Assessment Certificate with High Distinction
The Asset
Best Mobile Brokerage Application,Taiwan
Best ETF Participating Dealer, Taiwan
Best ETF Broker, Taiwan
Best Equity Derivatives House, Taiwan
Best corporate and institutional adviser-Domestic , Taiwan
Best equity adviser , Taiwan
Best bond adviser-Domestic (NT Dollar Bond) , Taiwan
Wealth Magazine
Wealth Management Award: Best Wealth Management, Best Services, Best Sales Team, Best Wealth Appreciation, Best Customer Referral, Best Digital Finance, Best Creative Audio-Visual Marketing
Consumer Financial Brand Award: Best Brokerage Image, FinTech Innovative Application - Best FinTech Securities.
Best Broker
Best Investment Bank
Best ECM House
Best Securities House in Taiwan
Best local brokerage, Taiwan
Best for overall sales, Taiwan
Best for overall research, Taiwan
Best for corporate access, Taiwan
Best for execution, Taiwan
Best Investment Bank in Taiwan
Asian Banking & Finance
Corporate & Investment Bank of the Year - Taiwan
Best Brokerage
Business Today
Wealth Management Evaluation: Best Wealth Management in Securities Sector, Best Investment Advisory Team, Best AI Application, Best Customer Satisfaction, Best Product, Best Sustainable Development, Best Marketing Innovation
Business Next
Future Commerce Awards:Online account opening-Best Management Innovation Silver Award
China Credit Info. Service
Top 5000 Large Enterprises in Taiwan-No. 1 SF
Nat'l Enterprise Competitiveness Dev. Assoc.
The National Brand Yushan Award-Outstanding Enterprise
The National Brand Yushan Award-Most Popular Brand
The National Brand Yushan Award-Best Product: Mr. Investor APP 2.0
The National Brand Yushan Award-Best Product: Account Opening APP
The National Brand Yushan Award “National First Prize” - Mr. Investor APP 2.0 and Account Opening APP.
Taiwan Stock Exchange
Electronic Order Placement Contest: First Place Outstanding Contribution Award
Taiwan Futures Exchange
Diamond Award for Introducing Broker Trading Volume
Diamond Award for Futures Proprietary Trading Volume
Diamond Award for Securities Industry Trading Volume
Diamond Award for Market-making Performance
Sports Administration, Ministry of Education
Taiwan i sports (Certificate of Corporate Wellness)


Best Broker in Taiwan
Best ECM House in Taiwan
Best Investment Bank in Taiwan
Best Investment Bank in Taiwan
Asian Banking & Finance
Corporate & Investment Bank of the Year?Taiwan
The Asset
Best Equity Derivatives House, Taiwan
Best ETF Market Maker, Taiwan?Highly Commended
Best Participating Dealer, Taiwan
Best ETF Broker, Taiwan
Top arrangers-Investors' Choice for primary issues-Corporate bonds-TWD
Top sellside firms in secondary market-Corporate bonds-TWD
Top arrangers-Investors' Choice for primary issues-Government bonds-TWD
Top sellside firms in secondary market-Government bonds-TWD
No. 4 for Best Individuals in Sales-Jay Hsu
Best corporate and institutional adviser-Domestic
Best equity adviser
Best bond adviser-Domestic (NT dollar bonds)
Best green bond
Best IPO
Business Today
Best Brand Award: No. 1 for Best Integrated Securities Firm
2019 Best Wealth Management Award of Banks and Securities:Best Wealth Management in Securities Sector, Best Investment Advisory Team, Best Product, Best Risk Management, Best AI Application, Best Wealth Value Added.
Business Next
Future Commerce Awards:Mr. Investor APP- Best Product Innovation Bronze Award
Wealth Magazine
Wealth Management Awards:Best Wealth Management, Best Services, Best Sales Team, Best Customer Recommendations, Best Digital Finance, Best Wealth Value Added, Best Print Marketing
Consumer Financial Brand Award:Best Broker Brand Image, Best Brokerage Services
Taiwan Financial Award-Best FinTech Innovative Application (Securities)
Securities & Futures Inst.
Golden Goblet Award-Outstanding Financial Innovation
Golden Goblet Award-Outstanding Green Investment
2019 Best Securities House in Taiwan
Taiwan’s Best Local Brokerage 1990 to 2018
Best Local Brokerage in Taiwan
Best overall sales services, Taiwan
Best for overall country research, Taiwan
Nat'l Enterprise Competitiveness Dev. Assoc.
The National Brand Yushan Award-Outstanding Enterprise
The National Brand Yushan Award-Most Popular Brand
The National Brand Yushan Award-Best Product:Mr. Investor APP
The National Brand Yushan Award-First Prize in Best Product:Mr. Investor APP
Taiwan Inst. for Sustainable Energy
Growth through Innovation Award
People Development Award
Taiwan Stock Exchange
Circulating Securities Award- No. 1 for Securities Underwriters
Prospering the Economy Award- No. 2 for IPO fund raised
Prospering the Economy Award- No. 1 for IPO market cap
No. 1 for Warrant Trading Volume Award
No. 1 for Warrant Value Award
No. 3 for Warrant Issuance Award
Taipei Exchange
Warrant Awards: No. 1 in Warrant Issuance
Warrant Awards: No. 1 in Warrant Turnover and Trading Volume
Emerging Stocks Awards: No. 3 for Contributor Award
Emerging Stocks Awards: No. 1 for Stability Award
ETF Awards: No. 3 for H1 Broker Award
ETF Awards: No. 1 for H2 Broker Award
ETF Awards: No. 1 for H2 ETF Liquidity Provider Award
Commercial Times
Best Engagement
Warrant Competition Award-East Luzhou, Caiyuan, Nanhai, Luchu, Neihu and Luodong branch offices


The Asset
Best Equity ETF Participating Dealer
Best Equity ETF Market Maker
Best ETF Broker
Best Equity Derivatives House
Best Structured Investment Products – NTD Denominated 300% Participation Fund-Linked Non-Principal Protected Product
Top Bank Arrangers, Investors' Choices for Government Primary Issues, Taiwan
Top Bank Arrangers, Investors' Choices for Corporate Primary Issues, Taiwan
Top Bank in Corporate Bonds, Taiwan
Top Bank in Government Bonds, Taiwan
Top Sellside firms in research, Taiwan
No. 1 for Best Individuals in Sales - Jay Hsu
Best Corporate and Institutional Adviser-Taiwan (Domestic)
Best Equity Adviser-Taiwan(Domestic)
Best Bond Adviser (NT Dollar)-Taiwan
Best Broker in Taiwan
Best Corporate & Investment Bank in Taiwan
Best Local Brokerage in Taiwan
Best for overall country research in Taiwan
Best overall sales services in Taiwan
Best Securities House in Taiwan
Min. of Economic Affairs
Digital Content Product Award:Best Product -Yuanta Video Robot Account Opening
Digital Content Product Award:2018 Best Product -Mr. Investor APP
Taiwan CG Association
CG6011 (2017) Corporate Governance Framework Assessment Certificate with Excellence
Taiwan Stock Exchange
No. 1 for Increase in Electronic Order Placement Volume Award, No. 1 in API Promotion Award
Best Stock Underwriter for the Mainboard
No. 1 for Warrant Issuance Volume Award and No. 1 for Warrant Trading Volume Award
Taiwan Futures Exchange
The 4th Futures Trading Diamond Awards: Diamond Award for Introducing Broker Trading Volume, Diamond Award for Futures Proprietary Trading Volume, Diamond Award for the performance of FX products market maker – Futures Proprietary Merchant, Diamond Award of futures trading volume growth - IB
Wealth Magazine
Wealth Management Evaluation Awards: Best Wealth Management, Best Services, Best Sales Team, Best Customer Recommendations, Best Digital Wealth Management
Consumer Financial Brand Award: Best Broker Brand Image, Best Brokerage Services
Business Today
Best Brand Award:Best Securities Firm
2018 Best Wealth Management Award of Banks and Securities: Best Wealth Management in Securities Sector, Security of the year, Best Product, Best Investment Advisory Team, Best Wealth Value Added, Most Trusted Security, Best Information Technology Service, Best Digital Innovation.
Excellence Magazine
2018 Excellence Magazine Securities Evaluation: Best Brand Image Prize, Best Warrant Prize
Taipei Exchange
No. 1 for Warrant Issuance Volume and Trading Volume Award
No. 1 for Best Underwriter for Taipei Exchange and Emerging Stock Market
Commercial Times
Taiwan Warrant King Challenge:Best Profit Maker Award
Taiwan Warrant King Challenge:Best Warrant Promotion Award (Area: Neihu/Donglu/Dongtai)
Economy Daily News
Warrant Competition:Best Trading Performance Award
Warrant Competition:Best Warrant Promotion Award (Area: Neihu/Donglu/Dali)


The Asset
Best Corporate and Institutional Bank in Taiwan
Best Equity Adviser Taiwan
Best Bond Adviser in Taiwan (NT Dollar)
Best Equity ETF Participating Dealer in Taiwan
Best Equity ETF Market Maker in Taiwan
Best Equity ETF Broker in Taiwan
Best Equity Derivatives House in Taiwan
No. 2 for Top Banks in Government Bonds, Taiwan
No. 3 for Top Banks in Corporate Bonds, Taiwan
Top Bank Arrangers, Investors' Choice for Government Primary Issues, Taiwan
No. 1 for Best Individuals in Sales - Jay Hsu
Best Securities House in Taiwan
Best Corporate and Investment Bank in Taiwan
Best Local Brokerage in Taiwan
Best Overall Sales Services in Taiwan
Best Execution in Taiwan
Best Domestic Debt House in Taiwan
Best Sales Trading in Taiwan
Most Improved Brokerage Over the Last 12 Months in Taiwan
Best for Events and/or Conferences in Taiwan
Best for Roadshows and Company Visits in Taiwan
Best Research Team in Taiwan
Best Country Sales Trader (Taiwan) - Edwin Tsai
Best Country Sales Trader (Hong Kong) - Kate Jackson
Best Investment Bank in Taiwan
Best Investment Bank in Taiwan
Best Broker in Taiwan
Best ECM House in Taiwan
Taiwan Stock Exchange
No. 3 for IPO Fundraising Volume Award; No. 3 for IPO Market Value Award
No. 1 for Warrant Issuers Volume Award; No. 1 for Warrant Value Award
Warrant Issuer Excellence Award; Warrant Trustee Business Volume Award
No. 1 for Increase in Electronic Order Placement Volume Award; No. 1 in API Promotion Award
Taipei Exchange
Best Partner for Promotion of Foreign Enterprises Listing on the TPEx and Emerging Stock Market
Award for Excellence in TPEx and Emerging Stock Market Listing Guidance
Taiwan Futures Exchange
Diamond Award for Introducing Broker Trading Volume
Diamond Award for Futures Proprietary Trading Volume
Diamond Award for EUR to USD Futures Market Maker Performance
Diamond Award for USD to JPY Futures Market Maker Performance
Securities & Futures Inst.
Golden Goblet Award - Outstanding Leadership Award - Arthur Chen
Golden Goblet Award - Outstanding Financial Innovation Award - Wanshitong App
Golden Goblet Award - Outstanding Talent Cultivation Award


The Asset
Best Corporate and Institutional Bank in Taiwan
Best Bond House in Taiwan
Best ETF Participating Dealer in Taiwan
Best ETF Market Maker in Taiwan
Best ETF Broker in Taiwan
Best Equity Derivatives House in Taiwan
Top Bank Arranger - Investors' Choice for Primary Issues in Asian Currency Bonds - Corporate Bonds
No. 1 for Top Banks in the Secondary Market in Asian Currency Bonds - Corporate Bonds
No. 2 for Top Banks in the Secondary Market in Asian Currency Bonds - Government Bonds
No. 1 for Best Individuals in Taiwan Dollar Bonds - Jay Hsu
Outstanding Securities Firm Award
FinanceAsia Platinum Award - Best Investment Bank in Taiwan 1996-2016
Best Investment Bank in Taiwan
Best Broker Bank in Taiwan
Best DCM House in Taiwan
Best Domestic Debt House in Taiwan
No. 1 for Best Local Brokerage in Taiwan
No. 1 for Best Execution in Taiwan
No. 1 for Best in Sales Trading in Taiwan
No. 1 for Most Improved Brokerage over the last 12 Months in Taiwan
No. 1 for Best Overall Sales Services in Taiwan
No. 1 for Best Events and/or Conferences in Taiwan
No. 1 for Best Roadshows and Company Visits in Taiwan
Best Investment Bank in Taiwan
Taiwan CG Association
CG6010 (2015) Corporate Governance Framework Assessment Certificate with Excellence

글로벌 신용등급 (Fitch Ratings 기준)

유안타금융그룹, 유안타증권

유안타금융그룹(홀딩스) 2023 실적

(단위: 억원)
유안타금융그룹(홀딩스) 실적
년도 총자산 자기자본 순이익
2015 576,560 67,690 4,020
2016 803,830 75,052 5,002
2017 809,668 76,176 5,879
2018 835,459 79,882 6,810
2019 934,115 89,821 7,951
2020 1,069,027 98,117 9,336
2021 1,299,548 115,531 14,985
2022 1,242,988 105,597 8,837
2023 1,396,701 121,461 11,243

환율은 하나은행 고시 기준 환율(2023년 12월 29일 KRW 42.32 TWD) 적용
※ 자료: Yuanta Financial Holdings