- 회사명
- 유안타증권 (Yuanta Securities Korea Co., Ltd)
- 설립일
- 1962년 6월 4일
- 상장일
- 1988년 1월 21일
- 결산기
- 12월
- 자본총계
- 15,948억 (2024년 6월 기준)
- 임직원수
- 1,713명 (2024년 6월 기준)
- 영업망
- 국내 주요도시에 53개 지점 (2024년 6월 기준)
- 본사
- 서울시 영등포구 국제금융로 39 (여의도동 앵커원빌딩)
TEL : 02-3770-2000
※ 한국기업평가 무보증채권 신용등급 AA- / 단기기업 어음등급 A1
※ 한국신용평가 무보증채권 신용등급 AA- / 단기기업 어음등급 A1
※ 나이스신용평가 무보증채권 신용등급 AA- / 단기기업 어음등급 A1
Yuanta Financial Holdings
- Yuanta Securities(100%)
- Yuanta Securities Asia Financial Services Private Ltd. (100%)
- Yuanta Securities Korea(58.56%)
- Yuanta Investment Consulting(Beijing)(100%)
- Yuanta Securities Hong Kong(100%)
- Yuanta Asia Investment(100%)
- Yuanta Hong Kong Holdings (Cayman) (100%)
- Yuanta Securities Asia Financial Services Private Ltd. (100%)
- Yuanta Bank(100%)
- Yuanta Securities Finance(100%)
- Yuanta Futures(66.27%)
- Yuanta Life(100%)
대만 1위 증권사, 유안타증권
대만 1위에 머무르지 않고 아시아 주요시장으로 사업범위 확대동북아금융중심지인 한국, 중국, 홍콩, 대만의 자금과 상품을 결합하고, 향후 싱가포르와 동남아 시장까지 진출하여 아시아를 선도하는 증권사로 성장 목표
Yuanta Financial Holdings의 100% 자회사로서 대만 1위 증권사
- Yuanta Financial Holdings는 유안타증권을 중심으로 대만, 홍콩, 중국 등에서 증권, 은행, 벤처캐피탈, 선물 등 금융업을 영위하는 대만 초우량
- 1961.12
- Yuanta Core Pacific Securities Co., Ltd. 설립
- 1966.06
- 투자매매업 인가
- 1998.09
- IB업무 개시
- 2001.12
- Fuhwa Financial Holding Company 설립
- 2007.09
- Fuhwa Financial Holding Company와 Yuanta Core Pacific Securities 합병 후 유안타금융그룹으로 상호 변경
- 2008.09
- 자산관리 업무 인가
- 2009.01
- Taiwan Best Securities Firm 1990~2008 Award 수상
- 2012.04
- Polaris Securities Co., Ltd. 합병
- 2016.04
- 태국 KK Trade 인수(Yuanta securites Thailand)
주요 수상(YUANTA Securities)
- Wealth Magazine
- Wealth Management Award:Best Wealth Management, Best Services, Best Sales Team,
- Best Wealth Appreciation, Best Customer Referral, Best Digital Finance,
- Best Digital Intelligence System, Best Digital Wealth Management Experience
- The Asset
- Best Brokerage
- Best Sustainability-Linked Bond
- Health Promotion Administration of Taiwan’s Ministry of Health and Welfare
- Accredited Healthy Workplace - Health Promotion Badge
- FinanceAsia
- Best Broker, Taiwan
- Best DCM House, Taiwan
- Wealth Magazine
- Wealth Management Award:Best Wealth Management, Best Services, Best Sales Team, Best Wealth Appreciation, Best Customer Referral, Best Digital Finance, Best Digital Intelligence System
- Taiwan Financial Awards:Consumer Finance Brand Award - Best Brokerage Customer Recommendation Premium Award
- Asiamoney
- Best Securities House in Taiwan
- Best Brokerage Transformation (Taiwan)
- Best Brokerages for ESG research (Taiwan)
- Best domestic brokerages (Taiwan)
- Best brokerages for research (Taiwan)
- Best brokerages for sales (Taiwan)
- Best brokerages for corporate access (Taiwan)
- Best brokerages for execution (Taiwan)
- The British Standards Institution
- ISO 45001: 2018 Occupational Safety and Health Management System Certification
- ISO/PAS 45005: 2020 Occupational Health and Safety Management — General Guidelines for Safe Working during the COVID-19 Pandemic Certification
- ISO 14067: Online Investment and Financial Services Carbon Footprint Certification
- The Asset
- Best ETF Market Maker , Taiwan
- Best ETF Participating Dealer, Taiwan
- Top sellside firms in the secondary market - Corporate bonds - TWD
- Top arrangers - Investors' Choice for primary issues - Corporate bonds - TWD
- FinanceAsia
- Best Broker, Taiwan
- Best Investment Bank, Taiwan
- Best Bond House, Taiwan
- Nat'l Enterprise Competitiveness Dev. Assoc.
- The National Brand Yushan Award-
- Outstanding Enterprise
- Best Product: “Small Capital Investment” Ecosystem
- Best Product: Smart Customer Service “Mr. Yuan”
- “National First Prize” - Best Product: “Small Capital Investment” Ecosystem
- Environmental Protection Administration Executive Yuan, R.O.C. (Taiwan)
- “Yuanta Securities Online Investment and Financial Management Services” Product Carbon Footprint Label (Certificate No. 2316611001)
- Business Today
- Wealth Management Evaluation:
- Best Wealth Management in Securities Sector-Excellent
- Best Product-No. 1
- Best Risk Management-No. 1
- Best Wealth Management Image-No. 2
- Best Investment Advisory Team-No. 2
- Best Digital Experience-No. 2
- Best Customer Trust-No. 2
- Best AI Application-No. 3
- Taiwan Stock Exchange
- Promotion of Innovation Award - Securities Underwriter: Capital Markets Contribution Award
- Partnership Award - Third Place for Securities Underwriters
ETF Awards:
No. 1 for Taiwan ETF Total Contribution Award
No. 2 for Taiwan ETF Market Maker Award
No. 3 for Taiwan ETF Trading Contribution Award - Brokerage Department
- Taiwan Futures Exchange
- Diamond Award for Futures Proprietary Trading Volume-No. 1
- Diamond Award for Market-Making Performance
- Taipei Exchange
Securities Firms Reward Program:
Top three brokers which increase the most total investors trading on ETF and the number of new additions is at least 500 - First Prize
Top three brokers which increase the most investors using dollar-cost averaging method trading on ETF and the number of new additions is at least 300 ? Second Prize - Warrant Awards:No. 1 for Maximum Value Creation
Warrant Issuer Awards:
No. 1 for Value Excellence
No. 5 for Warrant Efficiency
Securities Firms Reward Program:
- Securities and Futures Institute
- Golden Goblet Award - Outstanding Risk Management
- Golden Goblet Award - Outstanding Talent Cultivation
- Golden Goblet Award - Outstanding Green Finance - Securities Industry Category
- Commercial Times
- Digital Financial Service Awards: Digital Information Security Award-Premium Award
Taiwan Warrant King Competition (TWKC):
Best Performance Award
Warrant King Practical Warfare Award: Luzhou Branch No. 1; Muzha Branch No. 2
Performance Excellence Award: Muzha Branch No. 1; Keelung Branch No. 2; Luzhou Branch No. 3
- Sports Administration, Ministry of Education
- Taiwan i sports (Sports Enterprise Certification)
- Financial Supervisory Commission R.O.C. (Taiwan)
- F-ISAC Membership Intelligence Sharing Outstanding Performance Organization
- The British Standards Institution (BSI)
- Mr. Investor APP ISO14067 Carbon Footprint Certification
- Mr. Investor APP PAS2060 Carbon Neutral Certification
- Wealth Magazine
- Wealth Management Award:Best Wealth Management, Best Services, Best Sales Team, Best Customer Referral, Best Digital Finance, Best Digital Intelligence System
- Taiwan Financial Awards: FinTech Innovative Application Award-Best FinTech Securities Premium Award
- Taiwan Financial Awards: Best Brokerage Customer Recommendation Premium Award
- The Asset
- Best ETF Participating Dealer, Taiwan
- Best ETF Market Maker , Taiwan
- Best ETF Broker, Taiwan
- Nat'l Enterprise Competitiveness Dev. Assoc.
- National Brand Yushan Award-Best Product: Inescapable Net
- National Brand Yushan Award-Best Product: Grain Market Newbie Village
- Commercial Times
- The Best Service in Taiwan: Securities Industry Gold Award
- Service Excellence Award
- Digital Financial Service Awards: Digital Innovation Award-Gold Award
- Diversified Trust Innovation Award: Best Wealth Management Trust Innovation Award for Securities Firms-Gold Award
- Asiamoney
- Best domestic brokerages
- Best brokerages for research
- Best brokerages for sales
- Best brokerages for corporate access
- Best brokerages for execution
- Taiwan Futures Exchange
- Diamond Award for Introducing Broker Trading Volume
- Diamond Award for Futures Proprietary Trading Volume
- Diamond Award for Market-Making Performance
- Business Today
- Wealth Management Evaluation: Best Wealth Management in Securities Sector, Best Wealth Management Image, Best Risk Management, Best Customer Satisfaction, Best Customer Trust, Best Product, Best Silver Friendliness
- DailyView
- Digital Securities-Strategy Excellence Award
- Taiwan Institute for Sustainable Energy
- Talent Development Leadership Award
- Enterprise Asia
- Asia Responsible Enterprise Awards-Investment in People
- Nat'l Enterprise Competitiveness Dev. Assoc.
- The National Brand Yushan Award-Outstanding Enterprise
- The National Brand Yushan Award-Most Popular Brand: Mr. Investor APP
- The National Brand Yushan Award-Best Product: Strategy Trading Platform
- The National Brand Yushan Award-Best Product: Yuanta Taiwan Stock Pilot ETN
- The National Brand Yushan Award “National First Prize”-Outstanding Enterprise
- Wealth Magazine
- Wealth Management Award: Best Wealth Management, Best Services, Best Sales Team, Best Wealth Appreciation, Best Digital Intelligence System, Best Digital Finance, Best Creative Audio-Visual Marketing
- Taiwan Financial Awards: FinTech Innovative Application Award-Best FinTech Securities Gold Award
- Taiwan Financial Awards: Best Brokerage Services Gold Award
- Taiwan Financial Awards: Best Brokerage Customer Recommendation Premium Award
- FinanceAsia
- Best Broker
- The Asset
- Best ETF Participating Dealer, Taiwan
- Best ETF Market Maker, Taiwan
- Best ETF Broker, Taiwan
- Commercial Times
- Digital Financial Service Awards: Digital Innovation Award-Gold Award
- Digital Financial Service Awards: Digital Inclusion Award-Premium Award
- Taiwan Futures Exchange
- Diamond Award for Introducing Broker Trading Volume
- Diamond Award for Futures Proprietary Trading Volume
- Diamond Award for Market-making Performance
- Business Today
- Wealth Management Evaluation: Best Wealth Management in Securities, Best Wealth Management Image, Most Trusted Securities, Best Product, Best Customer Satisfaction, Best AI Application, Best Risk Management
- Securities and Futures Institute
- Golden Goblet Award-Outstanding Financial Innovation
- Golden Goblet Award-Outstanding Talent Cultivation
- Golden Goblet Award-Outstanding Green Finance-Securities Industry Categorye
- Golden Goblet Award-Outstanding Securities Talent-Executive Vice President Mei Ling Kuo
- Taiwan CG Association
- CG6012 (2019) Corporate Governance Framework Assessment Certificate with High Distinction
- The Asset
- Best Mobile Brokerage Application,Taiwan
- Best ETF Participating Dealer, Taiwan
- Best ETF Broker, Taiwan
- Best Equity Derivatives House, Taiwan
- Best corporate and institutional adviser-Domestic , Taiwan
- Best equity adviser , Taiwan
- Best bond adviser-Domestic (NT Dollar Bond) , Taiwan
- Wealth Magazine
- Wealth Management Award: Best Wealth Management, Best Services, Best Sales Team, Best Wealth Appreciation, Best Customer Referral, Best Digital Finance, Best Creative Audio-Visual Marketing
- Consumer Financial Brand Award: Best Brokerage Image, FinTech Innovative Application - Best FinTech Securities.
- FinanceAsia
- Best Broker
- Best Investment Bank
- Best ECM House
- Asiamoney
- Best Securities House in Taiwan
- Best local brokerage, Taiwan
- Best for overall sales, Taiwan
- Best for overall research, Taiwan
- Best for corporate access, Taiwan
- Best for execution, Taiwan
- Euromoney
- Best Investment Bank in Taiwan
- Asian Banking & Finance
- Corporate & Investment Bank of the Year - Taiwan
- Excellence
- Best Brokerage
- Business Today
- Wealth Management Evaluation: Best Wealth Management in Securities Sector, Best Investment Advisory Team, Best AI Application, Best Customer Satisfaction, Best Product, Best Sustainable Development, Best Marketing Innovation
- Business Next
- Future Commerce Awards:Online account opening-Best Management Innovation Silver Award
- China Credit Info. Service
- Top 5000 Large Enterprises in Taiwan-No. 1 SF
- Nat'l Enterprise Competitiveness Dev. Assoc.
- The National Brand Yushan Award-Outstanding Enterprise
- The National Brand Yushan Award-Most Popular Brand
- The National Brand Yushan Award-Best Product: Mr. Investor APP 2.0
- The National Brand Yushan Award-Best Product: Account Opening APP
- The National Brand Yushan Award “National First Prize” - Mr. Investor APP 2.0 and Account Opening APP.
- Taiwan Stock Exchange
- Electronic Order Placement Contest: First Place Outstanding Contribution Award
- Taiwan Futures Exchange
- Diamond Award for Introducing Broker Trading Volume
- Diamond Award for Futures Proprietary Trading Volume
- Diamond Award for Securities Industry Trading Volume
- Diamond Award for Market-making Performance
- Sports Administration, Ministry of Education
- Taiwan i sports (Certificate of Corporate Wellness)
- FinanceAsia
- Best Broker in Taiwan
- Best ECM House in Taiwan
- Best Investment Bank in Taiwan
- Euromoney
- Best Investment Bank in Taiwan
- Asian Banking & Finance
- Corporate & Investment Bank of the Year?Taiwan
- The Asset
- Best Equity Derivatives House, Taiwan
- Best ETF Market Maker, Taiwan?Highly Commended
- Best Participating Dealer, Taiwan
- Best ETF Broker, Taiwan
- Top arrangers-Investors' Choice for primary issues-Corporate bonds-TWD
- Top sellside firms in secondary market-Corporate bonds-TWD
- Top arrangers-Investors' Choice for primary issues-Government bonds-TWD
- Top sellside firms in secondary market-Government bonds-TWD
- No. 4 for Best Individuals in Sales-Jay Hsu
- Best corporate and institutional adviser-Domestic
- Best equity adviser
- Best bond adviser-Domestic (NT dollar bonds)
- Best green bond
- Best IPO
- Business Today
- Best Brand Award: No. 1 for Best Integrated Securities Firm
- 2019 Best Wealth Management Award of Banks and Securities:Best Wealth Management in Securities Sector, Best Investment Advisory Team, Best Product, Best Risk Management, Best AI Application, Best Wealth Value Added.
- Business Next
- Future Commerce Awards:Mr. Investor APP- Best Product Innovation Bronze Award
- Wealth Magazine
- Wealth Management Awards:Best Wealth Management, Best Services, Best Sales Team, Best Customer Recommendations, Best Digital Finance, Best Wealth Value Added, Best Print Marketing
- Consumer Financial Brand Award:Best Broker Brand Image, Best Brokerage Services
- Taiwan Financial Award-Best FinTech Innovative Application (Securities)
- Securities & Futures Inst.
- Golden Goblet Award-Outstanding Financial Innovation
- Golden Goblet Award-Outstanding Green Investment
- Asiamoney
- 2019 Best Securities House in Taiwan
- Taiwan’s Best Local Brokerage 1990 to 2018
- Best Local Brokerage in Taiwan
- Best overall sales services, Taiwan
- Best for overall country research, Taiwan
- Nat'l Enterprise Competitiveness Dev. Assoc.
- The National Brand Yushan Award-Outstanding Enterprise
- The National Brand Yushan Award-Most Popular Brand
- The National Brand Yushan Award-Best Product:Mr. Investor APP
- The National Brand Yushan Award-First Prize in Best Product:Mr. Investor APP
- Taiwan Inst. for Sustainable Energy
- Growth through Innovation Award
- People Development Award
- Taiwan Stock Exchange
- Circulating Securities Award- No. 1 for Securities Underwriters
- Prospering the Economy Award- No. 2 for IPO fund raised
- Prospering the Economy Award- No. 1 for IPO market cap
- No. 1 for Warrant Trading Volume Award
- No. 1 for Warrant Value Award
- No. 3 for Warrant Issuance Award
- Taipei Exchange
- Warrant Awards: No. 1 in Warrant Issuance
- Warrant Awards: No. 1 in Warrant Turnover and Trading Volume
- Emerging Stocks Awards: No. 3 for Contributor Award
- Emerging Stocks Awards: No. 1 for Stability Award
- ETF Awards: No. 3 for H1 Broker Award
- ETF Awards: No. 1 for H2 Broker Award
- ETF Awards: No. 1 for H2 ETF Liquidity Provider Award
- Commercial Times
- Best Engagement
- Warrant Competition Award-East Luzhou, Caiyuan, Nanhai, Luchu, Neihu and Luodong branch offices
- The Asset
- Best Equity ETF Participating Dealer
- Best Equity ETF Market Maker
- Best ETF Broker
- Best Equity Derivatives House
- Best Structured Investment Products – NTD Denominated 300% Participation Fund-Linked Non-Principal Protected Product
- Top Bank Arrangers, Investors' Choices for Government Primary Issues, Taiwan
- Top Bank Arrangers, Investors' Choices for Corporate Primary Issues, Taiwan
- Top Bank in Corporate Bonds, Taiwan
- Top Bank in Government Bonds, Taiwan
- Top Sellside firms in research, Taiwan
- No. 1 for Best Individuals in Sales - Jay Hsu
- Best Corporate and Institutional Adviser-Taiwan (Domestic)
- Best Equity Adviser-Taiwan(Domestic)
- Best Bond Adviser (NT Dollar)-Taiwan
- FinanceAsia
- Best Broker in Taiwan
- Asiamoney
- Best Corporate & Investment Bank in Taiwan
- Best Local Brokerage in Taiwan
- Best for overall country research in Taiwan
- Best overall sales services in Taiwan
- Best Securities House in Taiwan
- Min. of Economic Affairs
- Digital Content Product Award:Best Product -Yuanta Video Robot Account Opening
- Digital Content Product Award:2018 Best Product -Mr. Investor APP
- Taiwan CG Association
- CG6011 (2017) Corporate Governance Framework Assessment Certificate with Excellence
- Taiwan Stock Exchange
- No. 1 for Increase in Electronic Order Placement Volume Award, No. 1 in API Promotion Award
- Best Stock Underwriter for the Mainboard
- No. 1 for Warrant Issuance Volume Award and No. 1 for Warrant Trading Volume Award
- Taiwan Futures Exchange
- The 4th Futures Trading Diamond Awards: Diamond Award for Introducing Broker Trading Volume, Diamond Award for Futures Proprietary Trading Volume, Diamond Award for the performance of FX products market maker – Futures Proprietary Merchant, Diamond Award of futures trading volume growth - IB
- Wealth Magazine
- Wealth Management Evaluation Awards: Best Wealth Management, Best Services, Best Sales Team, Best Customer Recommendations, Best Digital Wealth Management
- Consumer Financial Brand Award: Best Broker Brand Image, Best Brokerage Services
- Business Today
- Best Brand Award:Best Securities Firm
- 2018 Best Wealth Management Award of Banks and Securities: Best Wealth Management in Securities Sector, Security of the year, Best Product, Best Investment Advisory Team, Best Wealth Value Added, Most Trusted Security, Best Information Technology Service, Best Digital Innovation.
- Excellence Magazine
- 2018 Excellence Magazine Securities Evaluation: Best Brand Image Prize, Best Warrant Prize
- Taipei Exchange
- No. 1 for Warrant Issuance Volume and Trading Volume Award
- No. 1 for Best Underwriter for Taipei Exchange and Emerging Stock Market
- Commercial Times
- Taiwan Warrant King Challenge:Best Profit Maker Award
- Taiwan Warrant King Challenge:Best Warrant Promotion Award (Area: Neihu/Donglu/Dongtai)
- Economy Daily News
- Warrant Competition:Best Trading Performance Award
- Warrant Competition:Best Warrant Promotion Award (Area: Neihu/Donglu/Dali)
- The Asset
- Best Corporate and Institutional Bank in Taiwan
- Best Equity Adviser Taiwan
- Best Bond Adviser in Taiwan (NT Dollar)
- Best Equity ETF Participating Dealer in Taiwan
- Best Equity ETF Market Maker in Taiwan
- Best Equity ETF Broker in Taiwan
- Best Equity Derivatives House in Taiwan
- No. 2 for Top Banks in Government Bonds, Taiwan
- No. 3 for Top Banks in Corporate Bonds, Taiwan
- Top Bank Arrangers, Investors' Choice for Government Primary Issues, Taiwan
- No. 1 for Best Individuals in Sales - Jay Hsu
- Asiamoney
- Best Securities House in Taiwan
- Best Corporate and Investment Bank in Taiwan
- Best Local Brokerage in Taiwan
- Best Overall Sales Services in Taiwan
- Best Execution in Taiwan
- Best Domestic Debt House in Taiwan
- Best Sales Trading in Taiwan
- Most Improved Brokerage Over the Last 12 Months in Taiwan
- Best for Events and/or Conferences in Taiwan
- Best for Roadshows and Company Visits in Taiwan
- Best Research Team in Taiwan
- Best Country Sales Trader (Taiwan) - Edwin Tsai
- Best Country Sales Trader (Hong Kong) - Kate Jackson
- Euromoney
- Best Investment Bank in Taiwan
- FinanceAsia
- Best Investment Bank in Taiwan
- Best Broker in Taiwan
- Best ECM House in Taiwan
- Taiwan Stock Exchange
- No. 3 for IPO Fundraising Volume Award; No. 3 for IPO Market Value Award
- No. 1 for Warrant Issuers Volume Award; No. 1 for Warrant Value Award
- Warrant Issuer Excellence Award; Warrant Trustee Business Volume Award
- No. 1 for Increase in Electronic Order Placement Volume Award; No. 1 in API Promotion Award
- Taipei Exchange
- Best Partner for Promotion of Foreign Enterprises Listing on the TPEx and Emerging Stock Market
- Award for Excellence in TPEx and Emerging Stock Market Listing Guidance
- Taiwan Futures Exchange
- Diamond Award for Introducing Broker Trading Volume
- Diamond Award for Futures Proprietary Trading Volume
- Diamond Award for EUR to USD Futures Market Maker Performance
- Diamond Award for USD to JPY Futures Market Maker Performance
- Securities & Futures Inst.
- Golden Goblet Award - Outstanding Leadership Award - Arthur Chen
- Golden Goblet Award - Outstanding Financial Innovation Award - Wanshitong App
- Golden Goblet Award - Outstanding Talent Cultivation Award
- The Asset
- Best Corporate and Institutional Bank in Taiwan
- Best Bond House in Taiwan
- Best ETF Participating Dealer in Taiwan
- Best ETF Market Maker in Taiwan
- Best ETF Broker in Taiwan
- Best Equity Derivatives House in Taiwan
- Top Bank Arranger - Investors' Choice for Primary Issues in Asian Currency Bonds - Corporate Bonds
- No. 1 for Top Banks in the Secondary Market in Asian Currency Bonds - Corporate Bonds
- No. 2 for Top Banks in the Secondary Market in Asian Currency Bonds - Government Bonds
- No. 1 for Best Individuals in Taiwan Dollar Bonds - Jay Hsu
- iichina.com
- Outstanding Securities Firm Award
- FinanceAsia
- FinanceAsia Platinum Award - Best Investment Bank in Taiwan 1996-2016
- Best Investment Bank in Taiwan
- Best Broker Bank in Taiwan
- Best DCM House in Taiwan
- Asiamoney
- Best Domestic Debt House in Taiwan
- No. 1 for Best Local Brokerage in Taiwan
- No. 1 for Best Execution in Taiwan
- No. 1 for Best in Sales Trading in Taiwan
- No. 1 for Most Improved Brokerage over the last 12 Months in Taiwan
- No. 1 for Best Overall Sales Services in Taiwan
- No. 1 for Best Events and/or Conferences in Taiwan
- No. 1 for Best Roadshows and Company Visits in Taiwan
- Euromoney
- Best Investment Bank in Taiwan
- Taiwan CG Association
- CG6010 (2015) Corporate Governance Framework Assessment Certificate with Excellence
글로벌 신용등급 (Fitch Ratings 기준)
- BBB+
- 유안타금융그룹, 유안타증권
유안타금융그룹(홀딩스) 2023 실적
(단위: 억원)년도 | 총자산 | 자기자본 | 순이익 |
2015 | 576,560 | 67,690 | 4,020 |
2016 | 803,830 | 75,052 | 5,002 |
2017 | 809,668 | 76,176 | 5,879 |
2018 | 835,459 | 79,882 | 6,810 |
2019 | 934,115 | 89,821 | 7,951 |
2020 | 1,069,027 | 98,117 | 9,336 |
2021 | 1,299,548 | 115,531 | 14,985 |
2022 | 1,242,988 | 105,597 | 8,837 |
2023 | 1,396,701 | 121,461 | 11,243 |
환율은 하나은행 고시 기준 환율(2023년 12월 29일 KRW 42.32 TWD) 적용
※ 자료: Yuanta Financial Holdings